Thursday, May 9, 2013

Top 3 posts for you on Google+ this week

Hi Maisha!
Here are the top 3 posts for you on Google+ this week.
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The estimated cost to produce a Samsung Galaxy S4 is about $237 a unit, compared with $217 for a 32-gig Apple iPhone 5.

Here's a look inside the Samsung Galaxy S4. Which phone do you prefer? Why?
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You can now unlock your smartphone legally again

Who's happy about this new bill from Congress?

Please +1 and Reshare to let everyone know!

#android   #congress   #unlockingtechnologyactof2013   #unlocking   #simunlocking  +Alexander Maxham 
Unlocking Technology Becomes Legal Again; Thanks to “Unlocking Technology Act of 2013″ Bill | Android News -
You may remember back earlier this year there was a huge story, well group of stories that we and many other sites covered regarding unlocking your phone.
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                       Lamborghini Espera Sbarro Evoluzione
This is the Espera Sbarro Evoluzione on the Geneva floor a concept study by a group of students from the Espera Sbarro design school in France.It took the 25 students involved in the project 13 weeks to create this design concept, inspired more by the architecture of a motorbike than an automobile.The cabin features a centrally mounted seat for the driver with two rear passenger seats. The Evoluzione rides on 20-inch wheels and is powered...
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